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Input management with NLP methods

Making large amounts of text usable for marketing and sales

A better customer service and target group specific promotion of new products - input management with NLP methods brings marketing and sales great cost and time advantages.

Several thousand incoming e-mails a day are not uncommon in call centers or customer service departments. Managing this flood of messages and information in a professional, targeted and timely manner is a challenge, but a must in order to satisfy your customers. At the same time, such information is a small treasure, because it contains important topics and needs of your own clientele. So how can text-based messages be used for marketing measures, complaint management and sales activities? The answer: With input management based on Natural Language Processing (NLP). It simplifies processes and saves time and resources.

Input management with NLP methods

Today, communication content and documents are available electronically throughout. Language technologies (Speach2Text, Text2Speach) also open up linguistic utterances for analytical procedures.

This increases expectations, for example, of being able to answer customer queries quickly and to evaluate publications quickly. The latest developments in language processing (computational linguistics, NLP) make this possible: texts can be classified according to their similarities and compared with texts from the company's own fields of activity. Even the urgency of an inquiry can be determined automatically. The result of relevant process optimisation: Customers and employees receive faster answers to their enquiries, efficiency and the feeling of appreciation grows. Our Versatile Document Processing Platform (VDPP platform) delivers these and many other application-oriented NLP solutions.

Versatile Document Processing Platform (VDPP)

Die VDPP-Plattform ist ein Multitalent: Sie ist in allen unseren NLP-Projekten Grundlage für die Analytik. Sie ist branchenneutral und in vielerlei Hinsicht offen – z.B. für die Ergänzung durch neue Dienste und für die Einbindung in neue Frontends.

The more directly an e-mail is forwarded to the right place, the faster it can be processed and the customer satisfied. Thus, smart input management offers real competitive advantages.

The advantages at a glance: input management...

  • simplifies processes and saves time and resources,

  • N
  • analyses e-mail inboxes and social media posts,

  • N
  • accelerates the ability to respond to customer inquiries and complaints,

  • N
  • sorts and forwards messages automatically,

  • N
  • extrahiert entscheidende Daten aus eingegangenen Texten,

  • N
  • optimizes the complaint management,

  • N
  • supports the development of strategies and the development of new products.



VDPP - Services and Platform for Smart Data & Knowledge Management

You want to know more? We look forward to hearing from you.

Patrik Bannholzer

Head of Consulting
Member of the Executive Board

+49 6221 / 61 60 50

The graduate computer scientist has a broad IT spectrum and knowledge: starting with architectures up to business analyses. In his long career he has already carried out successful projects in all industries. He is always happy to be involved when it comes to advising customers, familiarizing himself with new topics and creating good solutions.

Stephan Frenzel

Managing Director and Lead Consultant

+49 6221 / 61 60 50

He studied architecture and philosophy and learned SAS at the Heidelberg University Computer Center. He financed his studies with an IT job at a young Heidelberg IT consultancy. After a few years there he took over the responsibility for several clients in the financial sector. Then he got the offer to spin off the business unit into his own company - the starting point of Kybeidos. There is one thing he appreciates most about his work: getting direct feedback from clients at the end of the day. And to see that you actually create business value and added value.