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Advanced Analytics & BI

Analyse trend, market and process data, identify opportunities

In the field of Advanced Analytics and BI there are various procedures and methods that we use to achieve your goals.

If a company loses sales or customers, the economic consequences are drastic. For this reason, companies are increasingly turning to advanced analytics and business intelligence to find the causes in data and take countermeasures. Is it due to a competing product? Or is it due to internal processes? As ETL professionals, we know our way around all levels of trend, market and company analysis and generate valuable information.

Data can be very different. We bring them together and support you in the targeted analysis.

We structure mass and raw data and select them according to relevant characteristics. Whether as data brine or in the cloud - the data can now be processed, enriched and analyzed.

Optimizing sales figures or investigating trends - Our data analysts and data scientists translate your analysis goals into the world of data and help with the selection of methods and tools. We use modern methods and AI for extraction, enrichment and processing.

We prepare the findings for you professionally so that they can be easily interpreted using meaningful reports and graphics.

Why are we the right people for Advanced Analytics & BI?

Our team looks back on decades of experience in data acquisition, processing and visualization. Our big plus: In addition to the standard procedures and tools we use, we have developed our own offerings, such as our Natural Language Processing (NLP) services and the Versatile Document Processing Platform (VDPP). The integrated services for NLP and web crawling analyze text-based documents, language and images. You can find out more about this and how you can test your own ideas with minimal effort in Labs or PoC here.

Would you like to refresh your knowledge of Advanced Analytics or do you need project-related BI coaching? To our training and coaching offers.

We would be pleased to present our VDPP platform to you personally. 

You want to know more? We look forward to hearing from you.